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If you have Sims 3 Ambitions you go to the Science Lab or look in professions on a computer

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You sign up to be a police, doctor, nurse, firefighter and another super hero figures.

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You climb to the tallest tower, equip a shotgun and jump off. When in mid-air, shoot 2 times and you will fly and become a superhero. Missions will come up on the phone

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Q: How do you become a ghostbuster on Sims 3?
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How do you have ghosts in Sims 3 PC?

Ghosts appear at night at any location that has a gravestone. If you are in the ghostbuster career (requires Sims 3 Ambitions expansion pack), then you will see ghosts at locations that either have a career mission or you can use your scanner once you reach level 10 of the ghostbuster career.

How do you become a vampire in sims3?

in the sims 3, your sims can not become vampires.

Can What if your Sim Become A Werewolf On The Sims 3?

You can't become a werewolf on The Sims 3 yet OK.

Can you become a werewolf on sims 3?

No only in sims 2

Can sims become cheerleaders in sims 3 university life?

All sims in sims 3 can become cheerleaders in the university life. Sims 3 is just like real life, cheerleaders are not made but discovered within certain people.

Can you become a werewolf in sIms 3 generations?

No, you need The Sims 3 Supernatural expansion.

Can Sims become vampires in the original Sims?

No they cannot. Only in The Sims 2 or 3. Hope this helped!

Become a zombie on Sims 3?

Yes in the sims 3 supernatural the seventh expansion you can be turned in to a zombie.

How do you become a wearwolf on sims 3?

you cant

How many ghostbuster movies are there 2012?

they made three i think/

Can sims on The Sims 3 become dehydrated?

No, sims cannot become dehydrated; they can however become starved if their hungry moodlet is critically low. No, sims do not have a need to drink anything, they only require food to stay alive.

How do you graduate in The Sims 3?

Teenage sims will graduate from school once they become adults.