Persian like, its hard to explain go to Google images and type in Indian art
They look the same as people from Saudi Arabia and Jordan and everywhere else in the Middle East
what is india flag looks like
who knows people are saying like India will be developed country, what will be happened who knows, but developing is going on, will not be fully developed unless corruption is controlled.
it smells ,rapidly and is uncomfortable to sit
It looks like a blue rownd circle with lines stiking out
You're thinking of Hindi, a language that sounds like Hindu (which is a religion).
They are of a darker complexion because they're Indian and all people in India look vaguely similar
what is india flag looks like
Specify what it is.
many people like to shop in india. They are known for glamour and quality. =)
India is a rural country where nothing is really powered by electric
I'm Brazillian and we all look like people from the U.S.A.
ANYWHERE!or india,and china
People in India play all kinds of games,like field hokey,cricket,and like a wrestling.
who knows people are saying like India will be developed country, what will be happened who knows, but developing is going on, will not be fully developed unless corruption is controlled.
they look like colorado people colorful
Few of them....