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The vast majority of people living in the Mojave Desert live in cities such as Las Vegas, Nevada. Most find shelter in their homes or apartments where they have indoor running water or purchase bottled water at the local market. Food is no problem as there are major supermarkets or neighborhood grocery stores in nearly every town in the Mojave. For those not wishing to cook, there are restaurants and fast food establishments in most neighborhoods.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Mojave Desert has several large cities and towns, including Las Vegas. People have no problem surviving. Millions upon millions of people around the world live in deserts and the vast majority (over 99%) live in cities and towns where food is readily available in stores and markets or restaurants. I live in the Chihuahuan Desert and have a Wal*Mart SuperCenter a half mile from my home where I can purchase nearly any food I desire. There are also a number of restaurants and fast food establishments within a short walking distance of my home. For those who live far from a town or city, many of them grow at least part of their own food and purchase other food items when they make an occasional trip into town to stock up on supplies. My home also has indoor running water but I am also able to purchase bottled water at the Wal*Mart close to my home. The same is available to most others who live in deserts.

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