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It was not made in the Iliad.

The wooden horse (now known as the Trojan horse) was made after the events of the Iliad, in order to fool the Trojans into letting Greek troops into their city, unbeknownst to the Trojans. These Greek soldiers would then open the gates to the city, letting in the awaiting Greek army.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It allowed the greeks to get into troy so when the trojans thought they surrendered they had a party and all got drunk and the greeks came out of the horse and opened the gates to let the rest of their army in and they killed everyone.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Greeks hid inside the wooden horse and launched an attack on troy during the night.

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Q: How did the wooden horse helped the Greeks defed troy?
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how were the Greeks soldiers able to hide on the wooden horse?

It was colossal horse.

Who built the wooden horsethe Greeks or the trojans?

In Greek mythology, the Greeks built the horse.

What is Greek meaning for Trojan Horse?

a wooden horse that some greeks made with wood

When was the first wooden horse famous?

The oldest wooden horse that became famous was probably the Trojan Horse. Built hundreds of years ago as a "gift" by the Greeks to the Trojans. Greeks would hide inside the horse, and attack once they were inside the city.

What did the Greeks plan to do in order to trick the Trojans?

The Greeks his soldiers in a wooden horse (Trojan horse) and gave it to the Trojans as a gift to get Helen back.

Which army left a wooden horse outside of the city of troy?


Where did the Greeks hide to fool the Trojans and capture Troy?

In a huge wooden horse.

What gift was given by the Greeks to Troy that ended the Trojan War?

a wooden horse

What was the wooden horse a punishment for?

It was not a punishment. It was a clever way for the Greeks to get into the city of Troy.

Did the Trojans give the Trojan Horse to the Greeks as a gift?

The Trojans gave a hallow wooden horse filled with soldiers the Greeks as a "Gift", but in the night the soldiers came out of the horse and successfully seized the city.

Why was a horse use in the trojen war?

because when the Greeks "fled" they left a large wooden horse because it was a gift to the god Posieden, the god of the sea and horses, asking for a safe journey home. the trojans decided to take the horse to the temple of Poseiden, which let the Greeks gain access to the city of troy. hope this helped! <3lm.

What blunder did the Trojan's make?

Their failure to check out the wooden horse left behind by the Greeks was a mistake.