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Q: How did the public react to the Tinker case?
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Who was the judge in the tinker case?

The Tinker, or Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, was a Supreme Court decision. Justice Abe Fortas wrote the majority opinion.

What happened to the students who wore armbands in the tinker case?

No idea

What does the tinker and skokie case have in common?

They both were involved in a Supreme Court

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Tinker Vs. Des Moines

Who won tinker vs des moines?

The people who won the Tinker v. Des Moines, (1969) case were the students (Tinker) whose First Amendment right freedom of speech was upheld by the Supreme Court.Case Citation:Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 US 503 (1969)

What war was going on during the Tinker v Des Moines case?

Tinker v. Des Moines, (1969) stemmed from three students' protest of the Vietnam War.

What order did the events in the Tinker case happen?

Tinker siblings wore black armbands to protest the Vietnam War in 1965. School authorities suspended the Tinker siblings, leading to a legal case, Tinker v. Des Moines. The case reached the Supreme Court in 1969, which ruled in favor of the Tinkers, establishing students' rights to free speech in schools.

What is a court case that stated arm bands were protected by the first amendment?

Tinker v. Des Moines

What site do you go to find the Tinker case?

You go to, then type "Tinker" into the search box at the top of the page. A list should come up and click on Tinker v.Des Moines Ind. Comm.School Dist. or go to here...

Are John Tinker and Thomas Tinker related?

Thomas Tinker, who was my grandfather, was the brother of John Joseph Tinker, the Labour MP.

Who was inoved in the cast of tinker and moines?

the people who were inoved are Joan tinker merrybeth tinker

Who was tinker in tinker tailor older spy?

Toby Jones as Percy Alleline, "Tinker" .