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Q: How did the Jedi council end?
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Related questions

How many Jedi are in the Jedi council?

The Jedi Council typically consists of 12 members, including the Grand Master and other Jedi Masters with various positions and responsibilities within the Jedi Order.

Where are the Jedi councils located?

The Jedi Council was in Coruscant, but destroyed. Luke Skywalker had a new Jedi Council built on Yavin 4.

What plant is the jedi council on?

The Jedi Temple? Coruscant

In Episode I The Phantom Menace who is the only member of the Jedi Council not to be a Jedi Master?

In episode one, Phantom Menace, there was no member of the High Jedi Council who was not a Jedi Master. In the history of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker is the first to be on the council and not be a master, and Anakin does not become part of the council until episode three, Revenge of the Sith.

Are there other Jedi masters that are not on the council?

Yes. Actually, only the very best Jedi are able to be on the Council.

What kind of Jedi was yoda?

Jedi Master Yoda was the leading Jedi on the Jedi Council. His homeworld is unknown as is his species.

Where do the jedis sit?

The Jedi sit on the Jedi council on Courascant. Many Jedi like Mace Windu, Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi sat on the council and lead the jedi like bold leaders.

Can the council block a right to buy remortgage?

The Jedi-Council can do whatever they please.

Should there be a real Jedi council?

well there are real jedi visit or

Who was the only member of the jedi council to have a purple lightsaber?

Mace Windu was the only member of the Jedi Council to have a purple lightsaber. It was a unique blade that reflected his unusual blend of Light Side and Dark Side powers.

How can you find out what your midichlorian count is?

You need to make contact with the Jedi council.

What is a Jedi in training called?

The lowest rank of jedi is a youngling, they are taught to control the force and use a light saber. After that they become a padawan, then a jedi knight, then a jedi master, then a jedi council member, and lastly a jedi grand master.