Sadly, he seemed to have gotten over poor Courtney and while he and Courtney were still dating, in TDWT he kissed the goth girl Gwen in the confessional. I don't know the exact reason, though.
because he got mad at them for trying to kiss him especially Gwen cause he liked both of them in different ways Courtney she's a brat .Gwen nice to him a lot in common. Gwen kissed him first which made him crossed then Courtney which also made him mad as well. how do you know um...NOT what happens OK Chris wanted Duncan,Courtney,and Gwen to sing Duncan didn't want too so he jumps down the pyramid saying "No no no no no" ok if you don't want a spoiler DO NOT READ WHAT'S BELOW Then Duncan quits the show Gwen is devastated (Courtney just gasps no emotion) and I believe he comes back we'll just have to wait and see. Duncan does end up coming back in episode 13. AND HE KISSES GWEN. Worst part is Tyler knows. I've heard in episode 14 that Courtney ends up finding out and ends up punching Tyler. Sorry for the spoiler
IDK yet, but he does kiss Gwen in the confessional at the end of episode 13. Watch it now on YouTube on tdwtFULLEPISODES channel!
Kinda, he did seem to be flirting with her in episodes 2-4. But in episode 12, the anvil didn't fall when she said that they were just friends. Spoiler!!! A comment said that Trent and Gwen come back in episode 15, and hook up, but idk for sure if that is true or not, could be either way! DxG FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what Im talking about!!!!! Duncan and Gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to like Trent and Gwen, but when I figured out dirt was being mixed, Duncan and Gwen seemed to be getting... you know...
yes to make gwen mad
Duncan and Gwen kiss in episode 13 or 14 as stated in Total Drama Wikia. Most possibly in episode 13 and maybe even a second time on a later episode.
In my opinion, I think that they should and I've been hearing rumors that they might get back together. Because, TDWT producers have been said on their Twitters that they will let the couples together again, in some Aftermath, after Duncan, Courtney and Gwen get voted off, the kiss will be discovered an on a fury dash, Courtney will kiss Trent, and Duncan and Gwen will realize that they still loving Courtney and Trent, respectively, this discucion will be solved in 2 Aftermaths, then they will forgive the mistakes of the other and will kiss, Courtney and Duncan, and Gwen and Trent at the same time. I REPEAT, ITS ONLY A RUMOR, BUT IS HUGE, I hope it happen
Y eshe does because he kissed Gwen. They are perfect for each other, not Duncan and Courtney, Duncan and Gwen. After Alejandro told Tyler to reveal the kiss. This led to Gwen being Amazon's target for elimination, as well as Duncan being CRRRRH's target. In the next episode, Courtney throws a bowl of spaghetti at Duncan, punches him in the eye, dumps and insults him, and kicks him in the groin.
because he got mad at them for trying to kiss him especially Gwen cause he liked both of them in different ways Courtney she's a brat .Gwen nice to him a lot in common. Gwen kissed him first which made him crossed then Courtney which also made him mad as well. how do you know um...NOT what happens OK Chris wanted Duncan,Courtney,and Gwen to sing Duncan didn't want too so he jumps down the pyramid saying "No no no no no" ok if you don't want a spoiler DO NOT READ WHAT'S BELOW Then Duncan quits the show Gwen is devastated (Courtney just gasps no emotion) and I believe he comes back we'll just have to wait and see. Duncan does end up coming back in episode 13. AND HE KISSES GWEN. Worst part is Tyler knows. I've heard in episode 14 that Courtney ends up finding out and ends up punching Tyler. Sorry for the spoiler
Well not really but yes.after they do gwen and duncan kiss and it becomes a love trangle.when she finds out it goes hawier
IDK yet, but he does kiss Gwen in the confessional at the end of episode 13. Watch it now on YouTube on tdwtFULLEPISODES channel!
Yep. In episode 13 and Tyler sees. Courtney ends up finding out in episode 14 or 15 and punches Tyler. Oww
Yes, Gwen does like Trent on Total Drama Island. On Total Drama Action and World Tour, Gwen doesn't like Trent anymore, but likes Duncan. Trent and Gwen break up in Total Drama Action and Duncan and Courtney break up also. Gwen and Duncan then become a couple.
They will always love each other. Duncan says he digs her. Courtney may say she doesn't love Duncan but they kiss the 2nd most in all seasons. (Bridgette and geoff kiss the most).Also In episode 3 of total drama action Gwen said that Duncan has a secret picture of Courtney under his pillow. And Duncan admitted in the confessional that he picks on Harrold because he got Courtney of in TDI.
Arthur and Gwen share their first kiss in Season 2, Episode 10 of the BBC television series "Merlin."
Kinda, he did seem to be flirting with her in episodes 2-4. But in episode 12, the anvil didn't fall when she said that they were just friends. Spoiler!!! A comment said that Trent and Gwen come back in episode 15, and hook up, but idk for sure if that is true or not, could be either way! DxG FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what Im talking about!!!!! Duncan and Gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to like Trent and Gwen, but when I figured out dirt was being mixed, Duncan and Gwen seemed to be getting... you know...
NO!! and they never will! Gwen will all ways stay with Ben. Watch episode 15. Ben is Gwen's cousin...
#1 Courtney and duncan #2 Gwen and Trent #3 bridgette and geoff (i think) #4 leshawna and Harold #5 Tyler and Lindsey #6 Owen and Izzy