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Because if weighted properly, they can be neutrally boyant. In other words, they're as close to weightless as they can get on earth. The astronauts train underwater to give them a sense of what its like to do their task while weightless and also to practice the peocedures required for their task. The first astronaut to take advantage was Buzz Aldrin when he trained for his Gemini 12 mission. Aldrin was and is still an avid Scuba diver. He noticed the similarity between water and space. His succees on Gemin 12 made underwater training the norm for all astronaut extravehicular training.

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13y ago

The buoyancy of water is using to simulate zero gravity, because the arms and legs have very little effective weight underwater, but still have mass. The difference between underwater and zero G is that water still resists motion. In a true weightless condition (in an air-filled spacecraft or the vacuum of space), there is almost no resistance.

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13y ago

Underwater, the heavy spacesuits with air inside can weigh almost nothing. So by varying the buoyancy, they can simulate either zero-G or a gravity less than on Earth. In a simpler way of putting it: They train in a 600 gallon tank of water in real space suits, to achieve the feeling of weightlessness.

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10y ago

Because they need to practice the "space walk" some how.

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8y ago

Having neutral buoyancy underwater simulates the weightlessness the astronauts will experience in space.

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4y ago

Working underwater could help astronauts being in space because it's weightless almost like in space.

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How could working underwater help astronauts being in space?

Having neutral buoyancy underwater simulates the weightlessness the astronauts will experience in space.

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They use centrifical force machines to duplicate high G-forces. They train underwater to simulate weightlessness.

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Holding your breath underwater is when your head/face is underwater and you do not breath.

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