The Body Mass Index is accepted as a fairly good indicator of if a person is overweight or not. See the Web Link to the left to try it out.
A pathergy test is a skin-prick test to see if a red bump will form at the injection site. If there is a reaction, the test is positive. This test may be given to patients suspected of BD, but it is not an indicator for the disease.
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yes, many people don't notice because there are so few of them, but overweight people do sometimes come up in shows, take tony in Neighbours for instance, he's a great actor and OVERWEIGHT. yes, many people don't notice because there are so few of them, but overweight people do sometimes come up in shows, take tony in Neighbours for instance, he's a great actor and OVERWEIGHT.
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About 7 out of ten are overweight, and about 7 out of twenty are obese (which means heavier than just "overweight"). See also:Eating healthy to stay in shape
It depends on your height but I'm 64 kg at 14 and not quite overweight. Work out your BMI to see.
Yes, but not if the test is Greece.
She wasn't overweight, but she wasn't skinny/anorexic either. See the related link for a picture of her during her school years.
No, you are not overweight. Please see related question and the related link further down this page.
Type in Jillian Michaels overweight on Google images.
Yes. There is one inparticular when she's 14 years old that goes around. Type in Jillian Michaels overweight on Google images and you'll see it.
About 60 lbs or so, a little more for males. Most adult goldies I see are overweight. Chronically overweight goldies are susceptible to heart and kidney problems.
First of all I think you would see it if a child is overweight, so use your eyes. Also look out for increased BMI, increased abdominal girth. To be sure check a doctor.
Look up a BMI generator online and fill in your information. Or go see your doctor.
Some may. It depends on their surroundings. If they aren't normally surrounded by overweight people, then they'll probably notice if they see one. If most of their family and friends are overweight, though, they'll more than likely not even pay much attention.
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