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first of all, you need to have beaten the Pokemon league and have the national pokedex.

next, go to survival area and from there make your way to stark mountain and catch heatran (level 70)

after that, go to spear pillar and please note that you should have palkia and heatran in your party, and advance through to the same spot you encountered palkia and there you will then, battle dialga (please note THIS IS NOT TRUE I TRIED IT AND IT DOESN'T WORK) you have to trade with someone with diamond or use cheats.

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12y ago
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15y ago

You have to head to the Spear Pillar, while holding an Adamant Orb. You get it at the top of a waterfall, on the way to the Spear Pillar, and there will be 2 poke balls: the Adamant Orb and the Lustrous Orb.

The Lustrous Orb is the way to get Palkia; it's the exact same way as getting Dialga.

Once you have the items continue up to the Spear Pillar. When you get there there could be 2 crystals, or 1. These crystals are Blue: Dialga, and Pink: Palkia.

They're both LV70, so prepare for the battle.

It's quite hard catching these 2 pokemon, yet you can still catch them in a poke ball. The appropriate poke ball depends on what time it is, what status it has ect. So try your best and Good Luck!

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14y ago

You must:

1) Have the National PokeDex.

2) Have talked to Cynthia's grandmother.

3) Find the Adament Orb inside Mt. Coronet.

Only after those steps will you be able to battle Dialgain Spear Pillar.

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14y ago

If u have an event Arceus and take it to the Ruins of Alph and go to this house and a guy will pop out if u have it in the first slot and he will take you somewhere and u do what the guy tells you and u will be able to choose from Giratina, Dialga and Palkia and they will be at level 1 so there's how you get Dialga.

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12y ago

You have to trade the Arceus that was in the event from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum and trade it to Pokemon HeartGold. Once you have Arceus, you can go to Ruins of Alph and you'll find Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. You have to choose only one. (Why not all of them?) If you got Dialga you can trade for the others.

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13y ago

You don't because Dialga is a sinnoh Pokemon and you can't get any sinnoh Pokemon on Pokemon Mystery Dungeons?

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13y ago

Dialga does not exist in Pokemon gold. only hoho and possibly suicine and lugia (pardon the misspellings)

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12y ago

You can't get a Dialga in Pokemon Black/White 2, unless you trade the Dialga from the previous games where you can get one. You can use a cheat code, though, to make a Dialga on your game.

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How do you get Dailga in pokemon pearl?

The only way to obtain a Dialga on Pearl is trade with someone else that has one.

Where to find Dialga in Pokemon Pearl version?

In Pokémon Pearl, you can only obtain Dialga by trading it from Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.

In Pokemon Pearl where do you find Dialga?

you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl

Dialga in Pokemon Pearl?

no, dialga is in pokemon diamond. PALKIA is the one in pokemon pearl

On Pokemon Pearl can you get Dialga?

No, not unless you trade a dialga to pearl

Can you recatch dialga?

In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you cannot 'recatch' Dialga, but you can have multiple attempts if you save before battling Dialga. In Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, when you do the Arceus event, you automatically obtain your choice of Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina.

How do you obtain legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

I am not sure how to catch darkrai or creselia but to obtain Palkia or Dialga you have to go to Spear Pillar in mount Cornet.

How do you get Dialga or Palkia on Pokemon Pearl?

You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.

Can you get Dialga and Palkia in Pokemon Pearl?

NO!!!!! YOU CAN ONLY CATCH PALKIA ON PEARL you can't catch dialga on Pokemon pearl but you CAN trade it you only get both in Pokemon platinum

Where can you find Dialga in Pokemon Pearl?

Trade with Pokemon Pearl or Pokemon Platinum

What are the differenses between Pokemon pearl and diamond?

some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia

Were to get Dialga in Pokemon pearl?

Nowhere. You can only get dialga by trading!