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Q: How are the two diagrams of the June solstice different?
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Where is the northern hemisphere at winter solstice?

On the first day of summer (astronomical), usually June 21.Summer solstice: June 21-22 (day longer than the night)The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere is generally on June 21, but may vary a day earlier or later depending on the cycles of leap years. You can look up the exact time of the solstices and equinoxes each year on the "Earth's Seasons" web page at the U.S. Naval Observatory.

The two types of solstice you have?

summer solstice and winter solstice

What and when are the solstices?

The solstices are the longest and shortest days of the year; there are always two every year. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice (longest day) is usually June 20 or 21 and the winter solstice (shortest day) is usually December 20 or 21. In the Southern Hemisphere, the summer solstice (longest day) is usually December 20 or 21 and the winter solstice (shortest day) is usually June 20 or 21.

When are solstices and equinoxes each year?

Two equinoxes (from the word 'equal') occur each year: one in the Spring, called the vernal equinox from a word for green-ness, and also the autumnal equinox in the Fall. On the day and hour of the equinoxes, days and nights are the same length of time.

What month is summer solstice?

In 2011, the sun will reach the solstices at 1:16 PM ET on June 21, and at 12:30 AM ET on December 22. Which of those you call the "Summer" solstice depends on whether you'll be living in the northern or southern Hemisphere in 2011. -- Northern summer begins on June 21. -- Southern summer begins on December 22.

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What two months does the solstice take place?

The solstice occurs in June and December. The June solstice is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, while the December solstice is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

When are the two solstices in the northern hemisphere?

The summer solstice is on or around June 21st and the winter solstice is on or around December21st.

How many solstices happen in one year?

two The June solstice is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. The December solstice is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere.

What are the different types of solstice?

There are two types of solstice — summer solstice and winter solstice. Summer solstice occurs around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the longest day of the year. Winter solstice occurs around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the shortest day of the year. These astronomical events signify the changing of seasons.

When do the two solstices happen?

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on the 20th or 21st of June and the Winter solstice occurs on the 20th or 21st of December.

Does the solstice occur in June in the northern hemisphere and in December?

In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs once each year in the month of June. The winter solstice occurs once a year in December. In the southern hemisphere, it is the opposite with the summer solstice occurring in December and the winter solstice occurring in June.

Where is the northern hemisphere at winter solstice?

On the first day of summer (astronomical), usually June 21.Summer solstice: June 21-22 (day longer than the night)The summer solstice in the northern hemisphere is generally on June 21, but may vary a day earlier or later depending on the cycles of leap years. You can look up the exact time of the solstices and equinoxes each year on the "Earth's Seasons" web page at the U.S. Naval Observatory.

The two types of solstice you have?

summer solstice and winter solstice

What two days a year have the longest nighttime hours or daytime hours in summer or winter?

The summer solstice, around June 21, has the longest daytime hours in the year, while the winter solstice, around December 21, has the longest nighttime hours.

2 days of the year when the sun is directly over 23.5 south or 23.5 north latitude?

The two days of the year when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N) is on the June solstice, around June 21st. The two days when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° S) is on the December solstice, around December 21st. These are the summer and winter solstices, respectively.

What is a sentence with solstice?

a soltice is a day where the day is either the shortest or longest in the year, there are two soltices, the summer solstice (june 21st) the longest day of the year and the winter solstice (december 21st) the shortest day of the year

Does the word solstice mean sunny days?

No...not really. What was put in the Webster's Dictionary is this: Solstice means either of the two times a year, about June 21 and about Dec. 22, when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator.