Only a small part of culture is visible.
Edward T. Hall, author of Beyond Culture (1976)
The Titanic sank because of an iceberg.
It hit an Iceberg No fire
Culture and an iceberg are alike in that a significant portion of both is hidden beneath the surface. Just as much of an iceberg lies underwater, culture involves unseen elements such as beliefs, values, and assumptions that influence behavior. Understanding both requires digging deeper beyond what is immediately visible.
Only a small part of culture is visible.
Edward T. Hall, author of Beyond Culture (1976)
Culture is often compared to an iceberg because only a small part of it is visible above the surface, while the majority of cultural values, beliefs, and practices remain hidden beneath. Just like an iceberg, the hidden aspects of culture influence what is seen and impact the overall cultural landscape.
They both propagated culture and learning.
Most of an iceberg is hidden underwater so it looks smaller than it really is. Most of what technology is hidden from sight because most of what technology does is noticeable by what works and what stops working all of a sudden
pop culture and identity are alike because they both like cake.. this is fact
D. They both exist inside a larger culture.
blahahaa culture is shared among people