well, there are alot of ways. the easiest way for me is the back spin which is a littile more complicated than the first one. the easyiest one for everyone is to shoot it like a marble
you have to get plastic,paint,magnet [not to big if making a deka you use big magnets],springs,screws,and white or black stampers,glue heres what you do.1,make two feet out of plastic[if not,don't do 1 or 2.]2.make a hole to put a screw in.3.make two half of the waist out of plastic and make a small rectangle and carefully put it in, after put another hole and put the screw in and put them together.4.stamp g-power[black or white.]5.form the hand out of plastic to the plastic.6.make the head and glue it.7.Caution. paint the Bakugan carfully.8.make a hole on the bottom of the bakugan, and get a silver,circle magnet.9.make a attribute sign out of a white stamper.10 your all finished,so leave it in a sunny place for a while
you pick your talking bakugan
To get into the bakugan rankings you need to go to bakugan-world-ranking.webs.com and become a member and battle but make sure to read the home page to tell you how to get in.
those are bakugan whos g's have been phsically changed by someone to make it stronger.
No, they are toys not organisms...
The answer is simple....you can't (online).
you do not make bakugan gear because you buy it and clip it on to your bakugan
no one plays bakugan anymore
you still play bakugan d;
Its not possible. Unless you know how to make bakugan battle toys
you pick your talking bakugan
You have to use ancient alchemy to insert a soul into a bakugan.
You Dont
i Type your answer here...
you can not
To get into the bakugan rankings you need to go to bakugan-world-ranking.webs.com and become a member and battle but make sure to read the home page to tell you how to get in.