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Space Ghost premiered in 1966, 55 years ago.

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Michael Scalise

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How old is nick from ghost adventures?

I believe Nick Groff is about 33 years old.

How old is Kris williams of ghost hunters?

She is 31 years old born February 20 1981

How do you get on the Ghost Hunters Academy show.I have seen a ghost and truly believe in spirits. How do I go about joining a Ghost Hunters Team?

For me.. Say to them the truth that you believed and see them they will accept you... Me i believed in spirits and ghost.. because when my age is 8 years old i see i black boy....

How old is nick groff from ghost adventures?

35! he looks good tho

How old was Neil Armstrong when he went into space on Gemini 8?

Neil Armstrong was 35 years old when he went into space on Gemini 8.

Related questions

Who was the Luna ghost?

The Luna ghost was a glowing ghost who was really old man Smithers

What is the girl doing in the old chateau?

Apparently the Old Chateau is Haunted and the girl is a ghost any people that appear in the Old Chateau is a ghost

How old was Casper the ghost when he died?

14yrs. old

What are Poetic device used in the poem old wife and the ghost of James reeves?

The poem "Old Wife and the Ghost" by James Reeves uses various poetic devices such as imagery (description of the old wife and the ghost), symbolism (the ghost representing the past), personification (assigning human qualities to the ghost), and metaphor (comparing the ghost to a shadow of her youth). These devices help create a vivid and emotional portrayal of the old wife's relationship with her past.

Is there a third ghost in the old chateau?


How old do you have to be to become a ghost hunter?

a ghost hunter finds ghosts

What are the release dates for Ghost of Old Highways - 2012?

Ghost of Old Highways - 2012 was released on: USA: 12 June 2012

What are the release dates for The Ghost of Old Morro - 1917?

The Ghost of Old Morro - 1917 was released on: USA: 25 June 1917

The theme for The old Willis place?

The Theme of the Old Willis Place Is Ghost Stories

Do ghost like to live in old houe?

Yes ghost crave old houses/and places. Ghost like old houses because it's where they grew up or died. They tend to stick around places they used to be when they were alive.

How old is high five ghost from regular show?

High five ghost is 24

What is ghost town?

A ghost town is an old abandoned city that was booming with life. They got the name ghost in ghost town because legen dsays that ghost towns are so quiet, that you could hear, or see a ghost.