The height of a boy has many variables. The variables that determine height of a boy include age, and body structure.
An average height of a 6th grade boy is about 5'0-5'4
The height depends, among other factors, on the ethnicity of the cohort.
It is not possible to estimate the adult height of a boy from his height at the age of 10 because children have growth spirts at different times as they age. Generally, the adult height of a boy will be twice his height at the age of 3 years. The adult height of a girl will be twice her height at the age of 2.5 years. This is always assuming that no debilitating disease or genetic condition is present to alter the situation.
The average height of a seven year old boy is about 48 inches.
There is no specific height that he will be.
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The height of a 2.5 year old boy will vary depending on genetics. The average of a 2.5 year old boy is around three feet.
For a girl - 5'7. If you are a boy - about 5'11.
Usually the boy is taller than the girl. Men are naturally biologically designed this way. The height will depend on the boy's family history and genetic makeup.
The people of okinawa is the most shortest average height in japan. average height of okinawan boy at the age of 17 is 169.2cm. The most tallest average height in japan is the people of Akita prefecture, average height of there is 173 cm in 17 years old boy.
It depends with he genetic genes of the family. A boy of 10 years should be of a height of between 51 ans 59 inches.
There is no perfect height. It is different for each person.
In america, 5'8-5'10.
The normal height and weight for a 10 year old boy should be a height of 51 inches. The normal weight for this boy should be around 77 pounds.