no you cannot trade pkmn in the boxes.
Yes, you can trade Pokémon that are in the PC boxes.
GTS lets you choose which box to get your Pokémon from.
theres a book if you search heaps of game stores and it wont have everything you need to know but it will have a lot. If you need to know more about where to get other Pokemon find the other one and buy both. volume one will have palkia and dialga on the front and volume two will have pokedex on the front with alot of Pokemon their at game stop and the mall from x95
I have not played that game but ive played Pokemon pearl and i hear that they are like twins such as sapphire/ruby so i am pretty sure that you have to get a gym badge first just like in pearl.
Buy ActionReplay and use the cheats on that, and it will say that you have all the pokemon, but you really wont.
No not that i no of but most likely it wont
You dont have enough gym badges.
This means you probably need to battle them. It does work, and you will soon get Dialga, Palkia or Giratina, depending what game you use. When you have got there just make sure your Pokemon are in good shape and battle the hooligans Then you can battle Dialga
You need a decent emulator. VBA wont work.
it wont open until you go to the top of mt. coronet and capture dialga
You have to go to spear pillar and catch or defeat Palkia/Dialga.
No.The Pokemon is not the right level,and or gender.
u have to go to spear pillar (where u got palkia/dialga) and play it. then arceus appear!
no i tried it wont work =(
yes you can you have to use the time machine on the second floor on any Pokemon center but make sure you don't have Pokemon from gold or silver in your party b/c it wont let you do it, and if a Pokemon knows a new move that doesnt exist in red, blue, and yellow than it wont let you trade. Pretty much don't try to trade anything new from gold to blue b/c it wont work and it will tell you to get differernt Pokemon.
no but first you need more then six Pokemon then you can trade but they wont obey you
It is possible you are trying to trade Pokemon from the hoenn region (ruby, sapphire, emerald) onto firered/ leafgreen. This is not possible until have done a certain thing. The other possibility is that you need at least 2 Pokemon to trade.
You Have to go to mt coronet and you have to go to the top of it and battle/catch palkia/dialga and then the guy wont be blocking the way no more hope this helps
politoed is a frog Pokemon you have to evolve it by giving a king's rock to poliwhirl then trade it to another player. if you want the polytoad, then trade back. you wont have the king's rock though