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2001 war drama about two best friends as they join the war

Ben Affleck as Capt. Rafe McCawley

Josh Hartnett as Capt. Danny Walker

Kate Beckinsale as Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson

Jon Voight as President Roosevelt

Alec Baldwin as Lt. Col. James Doolittle

Tom Sizemore as Sgt. Earl Sistern

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Q: Give the roles of the cast in the movie pearl harbor?
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Give the exact dates for the following events of World War 2 Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor is a place, not an event. Dec 7th, 1941

Did Japan give up for the US for attacking Pearl Harbor?

Yes they did.

What reason did Japan give for attacking Pearl Harbor?

They gave no reasons. It was a declaration of war.

Why would Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

because we refused to give japan anythin

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Is Pearl Harbor the best movie ever made?

Yes. If you like war movies or love stories then this movie would have to be considered the best. It deals with friendship, trust, and overall love. I'd have to give this movie two thumbs way high!!!!!!

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Was the attack on the pearl harbor a surprise attack?

Yes. The attack on pearl harbor was a military surprise attack, to distract the US and give the Japanese some time to fight Malaysia. My opinion is this: We Leaked info to the Japanese of the fleet in pearl harbor so that the American people would stand by the decision to try the newly invented hydrogen bomb period!

What reasons did the united states give for using the atomic bomb on japan?

Japan bombed Hawaii. (pearl harbor)

Why are the battleships in the bombing of Pearl Harbor positioned like that?

It was for docking. That's where the docks were so they could give them gas and supplies.

When did Japan give up their attack on Pearl Harbor?

August 28 1945, that's the day were Japan lose the War.

Why did king kalakaua give pearl harbor to the US?

King Kalakaua of Hawaii did not personally give Pearl Harbor to the US. The decision to allow the US to use Pearl Harbor as a coaling and repair station was made by his successor, Queen Liliuokalani, in 1887 through the agreement known as the Reciprocity Treaty. The treaty was motivated by economic benefits and the desire to maintain good relations with the powerful United States.