Soundtrack - film - was created on 2011-10-07.
Take Away, the 2003 film starring Vince Colosimo, was produced by the Macquarie Film Corporation. It doesn't appear a soundtrack for this movie was ever released.
Song lists for the movie Suburban Girl can be found on the film's soundtrack. You should be able to find the soundtrack at any music retailer.
The song is not listed for the film's soundtrack according to IMDB . It was probably just in the film's trailer . Neither is it listed on the film's soundtrack .
Yes, you can get the film and the soundtrack
You can find the soundtrack to the 1974 film Stardust on CD at Amazon, eBay, and Barnes and Noble.
The duration of Soundtrack - film - is 2.2 hours.
Yes, the song called A Time for Us was composed by Nino Rota for the 1968 movie of Romeo and Juliet. This haunting and lyrical melody was the main theme for the film. It is sung during the Capulet party, and on the soundtrack album is called "What is a Youth" with lyrics by Eugene Walter. It is not actually called "A Time for Us" anywhere on the soundtrack album.
Mame - film soundtrack - was created in 1973.
Soundtrack - film - was created on 2011-10-07.
its from the opera Madam Butterfly mate
Rhinestone - film soundtrack - was created in 1984-05.
Soundtrack from the Film More was created on 1969-07-27.
Straight Talk - film soundtrack - was created in 1990.
This film and soundtrack are both available on iTunes. The film is in the short films section, and the soundtrack is on the composer, Felix Brenner's page.
Take Away, the 2003 film starring Vince Colosimo, was produced by the Macquarie Film Corporation. It doesn't appear a soundtrack for this movie was ever released.
Friday Night Lights - film soundtrack - was created in 2004-10.