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Q: Evander Holyfield produced which horror flick?
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What is the opposite of a chick flick?

Probably drama or horror, but i think its horror

I Know what You Did Last Summer?

Excellent teen horror flick.

What is a horror flick staple that's starts with G?


What is a Horror flick staple that starts with c?

Possibly Carrie.

What is a Horror flick staple that starts with s?

The Shining Scream

What future sitcom star was in the cast of the horror flick Leprechaun?

Jennifer Anniston

What is the greatest horror flick of all?

Ovbious of course man! Jesus, The Exorsist was the the greatest horror movie ever. It's freakin' scary!.

1973 horror flick about a doctor who turns his asst into a snake?

"Sssssss". That's the title.

If Chuck Norris was in a movie what kind of movie would he be in a comedy a horror or a chick flick?

All of them!

What was the first ever horror film called?

The flick credited as the first ever horror film was Le manoir du diable (1896), directed by Georges Melies.

What is the name of an old horror flick about something in the basement of an old house?

i think that's "Don't go into the Basement"