I have a likely submission: Rebecca Clarke, who was recorded at the age of 108 in the year 1904. That means she was born in the 1790s! The original video is held somewhere in England, and the owner has released a book... but I have not been able to view the video! However, I have the caption that was tagged onto the video: "Rebecca Clarke and kitten. The well known centenarian of 108, serenely sewing in a chair is surprised by a kitten which jumps up on her. She caresses the kitten, which struggles and nearly escapes". Rebecca Clarke was known only for her longevity: she was not famous or anything. Pope Leo X was probably the earliest-born FAMOUS person caught on film (born 1810), filmed in 1897. Please contact me if you have any information on the film of Rebecca Clarke, or the film of Pope Leo X (which I've also never seen). smyslov@patrick.k12.va.us
he was one of the earliest film special effects director or cinematographer . he used double exposures and substitution stop techniques to achieve many special effects that where revolutionary for the era of film he lived during.
Tim Johnson - film director - was born in 1962.
Sam White - film producer - was born in 1906.
Teja - film director - was born on 1966-02-22.
Charles Tait - film director - was born in 1868.
the arrival of a train at the station (1895)
I think the movie The Flaming Forest year 1926!
our baby was born at thirty two weeks with gastroschisis that is the earliest that we know of
Scrooge, or, Marley's Ghost (1901), a short British film that is the earliest surviving screen adaptation.
Nosferatu was a German film made in 1922. Im pretty sure it was the first film based on the book of dracula. Nosferatu is the earliest horror film I have seen and have a VHS tape of. Although I've never seen another Deutsch film, "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, I believe it was made a few years earlier than "Nosferatu".
Very Important Person - film - was created in 1961.
The earliest version was made by Ibn Khurradadhbih.
Born Again - film - was created in 1978.
he was one of the earliest film special effects director or cinematographer . he used double exposures and substitution stop techniques to achieve many special effects that where revolutionary for the era of film he lived during.
The duration of Very Important Person - film - is 1.63 hours.
The duration of Born to Be Wild - film - is 1.67 hours.
John F. Kennedy was the first person, in order of their service, to be born in the 20th century (b. May 29, 1917) to became US president.Of all the US presidents born in the 20th century, Lyndon Johnson had the earliest birth date, having been born in 1908.