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Q: During which war did the US try to conquer Canada?
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Did the US conquer Canada in the war of 1812?

No, the U.S. did not conquer Canada in the War of 1812.

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Russia. Hitler tried to conquer the whole entire world.

Conclusion of the war of 1812?

Status quo ante bellum - The state in which things were before the war. The U.K. failed to conquer the United States, and the United States failed to conquer Canada.

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No one.

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Canada was British territory & remained neutral during the Civil War

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Darius I .

What are two problems that have occurred between the US and Canada?

Possible the two times we tried to conquer Canada. One in the Revolutionary war and one in the War of 1812. Then there was the bootleg liquor that was freely crossing the border during Prohibition in the US. Water and land issues (54 40 or fight) And recent political dust ups when Canada did not support us in some war or another.

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Germany was to conquer Europe, Japan was to conquer Asia, and Italy had eyes towards Africa.

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