the driving time from Calais to Madrid is about 14H30. The distance is 1555 km.
The distance between Calais and Reims is 272 km. This is a 2H30 driving time ; there is a direct motorway starting from Calais.
the distance from Calais to Nazaré, Portugal is 2016 km. The driving time is 18 hours.
The road distance from Calais to Lyon is 750 km. The driving time is 6:30 hours via Reims and Dijon, or 6:45 via Paris (assuming good traffic conditions).
The road distance between Calais and Orléans is 424 km (264 miles). The driving time is about 4:15.
the driving time from Calais to Madrid is about 14H30. The distance is 1555 km.
the road distance between Calais and Rome is 1678 km. The driving time is nearly 15 hours.
The drive time from Calais, France to Vannes, France is:6 hours, 8 minutes
The distance between Calais and Reims is 272 km. This is a 2H30 driving time ; there is a direct motorway starting from Calais.
Calais is 290 km away from Paris. The driving time is nearly 3 hours.
Calais and Caen are 345 km apart. The driving time is a little over 3 hours.
the distance from Calais to Biarritz is 1070 km. This is a driving time of nearly ten hours.
The shortest time is 6 hours and 42 minutes.
The driving distance from Calais, ME to New York City, NY is 542 miles; 9 hours, 49 minutes driving time.
not sure
The distance is 1050 km from Calais to Béziers. The driving time is about 09H30.
MapQuest gives the estimated driving time as 26 hours and 52 minutes.