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No, Kagome never dies in InuYasha. She has a few near-death experiences, but she never actually dies.
I think only about 5 times also in movie 2
No he dose not kiss any one but i think he likes rin i think they should make them older and make new seires of inuyasha.
dose anyone know when season 5 starts of the real housewives of ornage county starts ?!
Hi, i am about to pick my GCSE's for year nine but i want to be a air hostess but i dont no what GCSE's i need? Dose anyone else no?... Emily
No, Kagome never dies in InuYasha. She has a few near-death experiences, but she never actually dies.
Yes, how you ask, watch and find out!
It wont come out thay stoped makeing the show
they never do have a baby in the manga. Although, Kagome does end up staying in the fudal era with Inuyasha, and they do get married... but as far as it tells you, they never have kids.
I think only about 5 times also in movie 2
The Mystery of the New Moon and the Black-haired InuYasha episode 13
In Episode 13, Inuyasha turns into a human gets injured so they have to hide with Shippou and another girl in a small room. Sango and Miroku are not yet introduced.
not all kids just Rin (only because she kindda saved him0
what dose it me anyone
English word dose = Menge, Dose,dosieren (verb)German word Dose = can, doset
Maybe he dose maybe he dose not but for our hope he is single!!!!!!!!!!! no he does not.