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No she doesn't.

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Q: Does zoey from mew mew powers ever get with elliott?
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Who does Elliott fancy in mew mew power?

Definitely Zoey.

What is zoey handson from mew mew powers birthday?

Her birthday is November 24, 1997.

In mew mew power does zoey turn into a cat?

Yes, in Mew Mew Power, Zoey transforms into a pink-haired cat-girl superhero known as Mew Zoey. She gains powers and abilities based on a mix of human and cat characteristics.

Does Mark ever kiss Zoey in Mew Mew Power?

of course she does!

In mew mew power who does each mew mew love?

Zoey : Mark Bridget-has a crush on a guy at the libry but kisses elliott in Tokyo mew mew kiki-i wouldn't say shes in love tarb but has complicated feelings

Does zoey die in mew mew power?

no, she goes unconcious for a short time, then her powers take over and save the world

How old is mew mew power zoey?

In Mew Mew power, Zoey is 16. While, in Tokyo Mew Mew, Ichigo (the same person as Zoey) is 13.

Does Kishu and Zoe ever be together in mew mew power?

No... Ichigo (Zoey) goes with Ryou (Elliot)

Who plays Zoey in mew mew power?

The actress for Zoey in Mew Mew Power is Amanda Brown. In Tokyo Mew Mew, the Japanese version, Ichigo/Zoey is voiced by Saki Nakajima.

What episode of Tokyo mew mew did zoey kiss Dren?

episode 3. and its not zoey and dren, its ichigo and kisshu. zoey and dren are from mew mew power. mew mew power is americanised. Tokyo mew mew is the original and also has more episodes. and dren/kisshu kissed zoey/ichigo

Who is the fairest mew mew?

mew corina or mew zoey

Do zoey and Elliot from mew mew power ever be together?

No, they don't. They do kiss though and then Zoey turns into a cat. However, the kiss happens in Tokyo Mew Mew, and they don't show the full kiss. Sorry if that disapointed you! I know a lot of people want them to be together, but there's nothing I can do about that.