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Sorry, in no way can you increase your height without hormone drugs. Not by exercising, not by "hanging upside down" not by any other method. The question should be "why be tall". There are only a very few places in life where being tall is helpful. I am an adult and not tall (5'7"). It has never stopped me from getting the girl I wanted, the education I wanted, the job I wanted. It has never stopped me from playing any sport or building my own home. Taller people do not make more success than shorter. It is not height but confidance that needs to be increased.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No. Only DNA will determine how tall you are. Look at your parents you will be the mean of the two.

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an increase in height increases the length

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Gravitational potential energy increases as height increases. This is because the higher an object is lifted against gravity, the more potential energy it possesses due to its position in the gravitational field.

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Weight training increases the amount of Growth Hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The hormone that increases your height.

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Gravitational potential energy.

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Potential energy increases height. When an object is lifted to a higher position, its potential energy increases because it has the ability to do work as it falls back down due to gravity.