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Did you perhaps mean, "Do Video Games exist in Africa?"

Yes, they do. South Africa is just as advanced as the rest of the world. Many other parts are as well. Don't be racist.

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There is no scientific proof that vampires or anything of the like exist. I do believe that if they do/did exist, they would enjoy video games as much as any other person.

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None. The technology did not exist back then.

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if your talking about video games None Video games didint exist until the 80's they first came out on 1983 i think.

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Black holes don't exist. They can get mixed up with tornados or hurricanes. They exist only in video games. ⇑ haha, I like that one!! :D (the fact that it only exists in video games)

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Can I subscribe to an online video game club to learn about new games?

The best place to sign up is with when it comes to learning about new video games. They are the leader in video games plus you will happy to know if they do not have a particular new video game it probably does not exist.