no he doesn't he thinks of her as his little sister and i think he's more focused on being ninja than love.....i don't know about her though
No, as far as the series goes Tenten does not confess that she likes Neji.
Oh, it was in this one episode where they were talking to this guy and Tenten thought they were going to get extra pay so she was all happy.
Tenten likes Lee. In one episode of Naruto (not Naruto Shippuden), when Lee is training, TenTen and Gai sensei were there all together. Gai sensei was tired and lying down on the ground. But Tenten was sitting on a log with her hands on her cheeks and her elbows on her knees, looking at Lee with a look that says "I love you" and hearts in her eyes. It's pretty obviouse she like Lee. She might also have a thing for Neji. And Neji might have something for Tenten. But my opinion, is that Tenten likes Lee.ANSWER BY: CAYNAI would say yes. Tenten and Lee both care for each other. In every shot of Tenten and Lee, they are almost always next to each other. The TentenXLee couple Israel.I would say yes. In every shot of Tenten and Lee in a group, they are almost always next to each other. The TentenXLee couple is real. See for yourself.I agree^^^WRONG!!!!!!! SHE LIKES AND ALL WAYS WILL LIKE NEJI NEJITEN FOREVA^ AMEN TO THAT! :DI would agree with the answer above.Lee and tenten DO care about each other very much. Even though people see alot of Neji and tenten together. Neji only likes her as a friend and a teammate.The LeeTen couple is real though, i do disagree.:)you people are all morons ,but i do agreePeople tenten starts liking Lee in shippuden but a little. Tenten does like neji in shippuden and before that.i think neji and tenten works.... for one they always there for each other plus lee likes sakura! leeten might work but if neji and tenten doesn't end up as a couple ... naruto fans will decrease to 60% or 70%i agree with the person above me also in a certain naruto game there are 2 secret missions i think that supports nejitenLEE LIKES SAKURA PEOPLE!!!!NEJITEN FOREVER!
In the shippuden series it is unclear if neji has feelings for anyone. The most ideal pair for neji would be tenten which is evident in many fan drawings.
the answer is no he doesn't like her that way he likes her as a sister\team mate not more... i think she likes him though
TenTen has a crush on Neji but Neji dsnt like her ...
On episode 59, you see Tenten training with Neji for like 4 seconds that all I found.
Neji's partner will probably be Tenten or Lee! but Tenten has a better chance to be Neji's partner!
neji hyuga
Romantically, none.
No, as far as the series goes Tenten does not confess that she likes Neji.
no. obviously it is neji and tenten who will be together