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Q: Does slate rock wear well
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Does slate change into an igneous rock?

no slate is an igneous rock

Can slate be worn away easily?

As slate is a metamorphic rock, it can't be worn easily. I t would be harder to wear than igneous or sedimentary rocks.

What rock is slate but in the past it was shale?

Shale is a sedimentaory rock, while Slate is a metamorphic rock. Generally the shale is metamorphosed into slate.

Is a slate a igneous rock?

No, slate is a metamorphic rock that is formed by shale

What type of rock is slate?

A metamorphic rock.

What group of rock does slate belong?

Slate is a low-grade metamorphic rock.

Is slate a metamorphic rock which transforms from shale?

Slate is a metamorphic rock formed from the parent rock shale.

What is a metamorphic rock formed from a shale?

Slate. Slate is a low grade metamorphic rock derived from shale or mudstone.

Is slate a foliated of non foliated rock?

The metamorphic rock, slate, is considered foliated.

What is slate siding made of?

Slate siding is made from the metamorphic rock slate.

Is slate a foliated metamorphic rock?

Yes, slate is a foliated metamorphic rock formed from the sedimentary rock shale.

What type of rock was slate rock before it was slate rock?

Slate is fine sedimentary mud that has been subjected to immense pressure over a very long time.