Daddy long leg
She has a twisted leg, strong hands, Thick Long Brown Hair, and thin shoulders
it was a medical necessity, he lost his leg to diabetes
The Lion, Dragon, Bear, Ape and Turtle Foldingzords along with the Claw Battlezord are the zords that are in the Claw Armor Megazord configuration, the Claw Battlezord is the head, torso and hands and arms and the Battlezord also supplies its 2 weapons, the Turtle and Bear Foldingzords are on the back parts of the Megazord's hands and arms, the Dragon Foldingzord becomes the left leg and foot with it attached to a Claw Battlezord piece, the Bear Foldingzord becomes the right leg and foot with it attached to a Battlezord piece and the Lionzord is under the torso of the Claw Battlezord.
its called the "stanky leg" and its the g-spot boyz
Curerently, Rangers must be jump qualed. There are no leg Rangers anymore, only Airborne Rangers.
Yes on his right leg
A snail
We asked you: What is it that has a leg, a tail, is brown but no legs?
The cast of Leg Magic - 2007 includes: Rosalee Brown as herself
Daddy long leg
i don't believe so!
yup it would bite your leg off too!
he feel off the stage when he was MAKEING OUT with CAITLIN BROWN
I have one small bite on my leg, but it is a dull brown color. What type of animal would give a bite like that, help?!
1880 by a dismised employee who was drinking that same evening and shot him in the leg