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The only time child support stops is when the child turns 18 and it is paid in full with no back child support owed. If there is any child support owed however it still can be collected even if the child is 18 and out of school. The only other way child support may stop is if there is also an adoption even then if there is support owed before the adoption they still get that money. This is all of course if you have a child support order through the courts or it's in a divorce decree.

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18y ago
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10y ago

In almost every state child support stops at 18 years old, 19 if still in high school. If you want the other parent to help pay for College, you must have a stipulation put in the Divorce/Child Support decree. In almost every state there is no way to enforce a parent to pay Child Support past the age of majority. Check the laws in your state for exact age.

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17y ago

It depends on two things: First, under what state's law was the child support ordered? Different states have different rules. Second, what does the divorce/paternity decree say? For info on your state, check out the link on my bio page.

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14y ago

Yes. Because child support is only for children and in the eyes of the government once you graduate high school you are an adult.

Generally, yes. However, some orders provide for support during college, and support often continues into adulthood for severely disabled children.

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12y ago

I do believe that in most states the support payments continue as long as the child is in school including college.

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14y ago

Not in every state. In New York, it runs until age 21. see links below

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Q: Does child support payments stop after the child graduates high school?
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In Texas how long do you have to keep paying child support?

In Texas, when the child graduates from High School. So if you have more then one child, when the last child that you have graduates from High School is when the child support payments will end for you. If the child is not in school for whatever reason it is the age of 18 years old.

If a child graduates at 19 do you still pay support in Tennessee?

Most child support orders are in effect until the child graduates from high school. This depends on child support provisions in your child support order or agreement. It can continue through an undergraduate degree in some cases.

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In Louisiana you pay child support until the child is 18 or 19 years of age. If the child is still in high school at the time when he or she turns 18, you would pay until the child is 19 and out of school.

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What, boarding school is free? Yes, you have to pay your child support payments regardless of where the child is living. They are used to support the child regardless of where they are living.

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At what age does child support payments end? Generally, the obligation ends when the child reaches 18 years of age or the child graduates from high school, whichever occurs later. A child will also automatically be ineligible for child support is removed from disability status by a court order. Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania Does child support stop if your child graduated high school and is 18 in pa?

Regardless of whether or not your child graduates high school in PA, once he/she reaches the age of 18, child support is absolved.

Do you still have to pay child support if my child is in trade school?

Yes. Child support in most states makes you obligated to pay until your child is 18, or graduates from high school. If your child is under 18 and in trade school, you still have to pay.

Can child support paid to the custodial parent be garnished if they owe other debts?

No. Child support payments cannot be garnished.No. Child support payments cannot be garnished.No. Child support payments cannot be garnished.No. Child support payments cannot be garnished.

Does the amount of child support change after the first child turns eighteen or graduates from high school?

It changes only if the order for support specifically provides for such change.

Can you end your child support once he turns 18 in california?

If the child is still in high school, child support continues until the child graduates or turns 19, whichever occurs first.

When does child support end in Texas?

Child support in Texas ends when the child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school whichever comes LAST. Additionally, if the child marries or becomes emancipated you can request that your support payments stop.

Is father obligated to pay child support if child drops from school before 18?

Yes, custodial payments are for the support and care of a child until they are 18.