You would sweat at the same rate, no matter how absurd it may sound. During the hot seasons, you don't sweat more, you just sweat constantly or near a constant rate, making it appear that you have sweated more. During the cold season you would bundle up, so you would sweat on your neck, hands, feet, and other places, so it would not seem like you had sweat that much, or that you had sweat at all. Furring the hot season, you wear less clothing, so the sweat is released all at once, over most of your body, making it look like you sweat more.
Sheep shearing is not done in cold season because the sheep can die due to the cold without it's protective coating of hair. So it is done in summers and by the time the cold season comes, the hair grows again.
During the warm season (September 22 - March 21) there is a 52% chance of rain during the day. During the cold season (May 27 - July 30) there is a 7% chance of rain during the day.
you get a season by the temperature : if its cold you get winter and winter is a season > if its warm and hot then you get summer and summer is a season as well and ect...
odd and ulrich coming out of the showers in the shower room naked
Some people thinks that summer is a good weather and some people thinks that its a bad weather. The people who lives in a place where its more cold and less hot, then they will probably like summer better but the people who lives in a place where its more and so hot and less cold, then they will like winter better than summer. But the good things about summer are that you could go outside and play in the park, ride your bike, hang out with your friends, go swimming and a lot of many other things. The bad things about summer are that you can get sunburn, stupid bugs, sweat, and extreme hotness of the sun.
A person can produce 1/2 a cup of snot a day, not during allergy season or with a winter cold. During a winter cold, up to 3 cups a day, and during allergy season, up to 5 cups a day. lol. Do the math.
is it cold in Bahamas during christmas
If you are careful during cold and flu season, you might catch a cold.
The water is cold in earth pots in summer season than during rains because the pots reflects the heat or cold. Then it produce little opposite temperature.
A cold sweat is when the body sweats in response to stress or fear, causing the skin to feel cold and clammy. It is a natural physiological response to a perceived threat, causing the body to cool down in anticipation of a fight-or-flight reaction.
because then the sheep would have nothing to protect them from the cold weather.
decidus trees
Couple of Adjectives:Cold, Warm, Hot, Burning, Freezing, [makes] person sweat, [bundle up] in cold, etc.............
During the winter season, usually -5 Celsius... sometimes -15.
James Brown was the famous late rhythm and blues (R&B) singer, who had a hit with his song, Cold Sweat. The song Cold Sweat was first released in July 1967.
Your body is burning fat to get warm, therefore making you swear.
Do you ever wonder why your sweet cold lemonade "sweats' during the summer? This process is called condensation this