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Yes. Their knees are located on the hind legs where the patellas* are. You can tell where they are when a dog's hind legs bend before the hocks*. *knee caps *ankles You can use this link to have a full view of a dog's skeleton:

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Q: Does a dog have knees
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Which president barks like a dog?

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Is a dog elbow considered the same as a dog knee?

No. A dog's front legs have elbows, and the back ones have knees.

On your knees dog in Latin?

Genibus tuis.

What is genibus tunis canis?

its "Genibus tuis canis" and it is the correct translation of "On your knees Dog!"

Where is a dogs knee?

A dog has two knees. One on each front leg in the middle.

How tall can a havanese get?

The tallest a havanese can get is about up to your knees. A havanese is a small/medium sized dog. My havanese is up to my knees, but I have seen a tiny full grown havanese

Which way do rhino's knees bend?

2. A previous answer here said four, however only elephants have four knees. A rhino's legs rotate like a dog or cats, so they only have 2 knees.

How do you macke a dog?

Well, first of all you get on your knees, at this point look deep into the dogs eyes, then inform the dog about your deep sexual fantasys. and welll lets hope your dog accepts your invatation.

What is the size range for an Australian Cattle Dog Rottweiler mix?

they are usually medium dogs. I am 5'6 and my australian cattle dog rottweiler mix goes just lightly above my knees.

What does genibus nitito canus mean?

Genibus Nitito Canus is supposed to mean "on your knees, dog." This phrase is only roughly translated because the term "nitito" does not actually exist. The phrase most closely translates to "aging knees."

How can you get a dog if your parents don't allow pets?

Get on your knees and beg, promise to feed it, find a cute one that they can't say no to, etc.

How much leg room in Greyhound busses?

This varies, but a 6 foot 4 male can get his knees in there in most of The big grey dog's Buses.