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There is some speculation that Steven Hart could not be dead even though he got ravanged by Oliver Leeks Prehistoric Zoo. Most people say that Steven Hart may return as will Cutter im not sure how Steven will become a character again in Primeval for Series 4 but i have an idea that Cutter may come back people are saying that when Cutter got killed it wasn't the real Cutter it was Helen's clone and i do agree i reckon that Helen killed her Cutter clone thinking it was the real one as he is wearing different clothes and he said to Helen "Your not as smart as you used to be" indicating that she doesnt know she is about to kill a clone im not sure if Steven or Cutter will come back but i really hope they bring at least some of the originial characters back the only originals left are Connor Temple and Abby Maitland and i have no idea how Sarah Page died i wanted to know what her so called "big idea" was but i guess her idea was to get herself killed or something who knows :/

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15y ago

He woz eaten by cyber tooth tigers gutted :O

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14y ago

He died so far that i know but i read online that there might be a chance he could come

back but im not sure if this is true or just a rumor so right now he is dead.

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