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It is not mention in the manga. In manga, it says she is pregnant with Asuma's child so we'll have to wait and see.

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Q: Does Kurenai give birth to a boy?
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Kurenai Kanda's birth name is Kazuko Toida.

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It has not been revealed yet in the show or manga if Kurenai had a boy or a girl.

Can boy give birth?


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no, to girl hamsters can't give birth, just a boy and girl hamsters can give birth

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Boy animals do not give birth. The only animal that can even closely do that is the male seahorse, but it technically does not give birth. It just stores the eggs in its pouch.

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No, she had no children.

Could a boy give birth?

OMFG! No....they don't have periods!

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You push and pant like animal.

HOW TO GIVE birth boy baby?

You can't choose unless you have in vitro.

Can a boy give birth to baby?

the answer is simply NO! Females are are more superior.

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