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Q: Does Darren die in the last Cirqu Du Freak book?
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Will there be a 13th book in the Cirque du Freak series?

No,Darren dies in the last book. Though there is a new series called The Saga of Larten Crepsley about Darren's mentor and his mentor's mentor...

In the last book of cirque du freak how does Darren die?

Darren is killed at the hands of Steve, is brought back as a Little person where he eventually dies of "natural causes".

Did Steven die in the book Cirque du freak?

No, Steven did not die in the book "Cirque du Freak." He plays a significant role throughout the series as Darren's best friend.

When did Darren in Cirque du Freak found out that mr destiny was his father?

He found out in the last book, Sons of Destiny, because Mr. Tiny told him as Darren was about to kill Steve.

Will there another Cirque du Freak book?

No, the twelfth one was the last one. Although, there is another series Darren is writing about Larten Crepsley when he was younger, so I'd recommend reading that, if you want.

What happens in the last Darren shan book?

In the last Darren Shan book Darren kills Steve(the vampaneze lord) and then Mr Tiny congragulates him tells Darren wat will become of Darren, Darren dosent like it so he gets Steve to kill him with the last bit of strength he has left and well you'll hac=ve to read the rest for yourself ...i find it quite sad:-(

What is Steve's last name in the vampires assistant?

Steve's last name in "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant" is Leopard.

Who illustrated the cover of Cirque du Freak?

The cover of "Cirque du Freak" was illustrated by artist David Wyatt. His illustrations capture the mysterious and eerie atmosphere of the story, bringing the characters and world to life for readers.

When does Darren Shan become a vampire?

WARNING SPOILERS. No he never becomes a full vampire, because at the end of the sons of destiny novel he and Steve fight to the death while Darren is still transforming into a full vampire, and since both he and Steve die in this fight he never becomes a full vampire. although it is implied that he gets into Paradise at the end of the novel.

What is the vampires assitant about?

the vampires assistant is about a half vampire, Darren shan ,and his mentor,larten creapsly,going to travel with a freak show called cirque du freak when there meats a snakeboy ,evra von ,and a boy called sam grest.when sam want's to join the freak show Darren needs to scare him off but that's not the last you see of another character r.v will be a part of other books to come but if your going to read that read cirque du freak first there are 12 books in total but they are the best books i have ever read and i read a lot of books.

How old was Freak when he celebrated his last birthday in Freak the Mighty?


What is the lesson of Cirque du Freak?

The theme is how Darren becomes the vampire prince