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Prince Edward Island is a tropical paradise. The island was once shaped like a potato but the edges have since eroded away making it look like a desiccated potato now. All that grows on the island are potatoes. Even the natives look like potatoes and speak an odd dialect that sounds similar to potatoes. This is because, until recently, there was no way on or off the island. The natives had no contact with outside world at all for centuries. The Canadian government imposed a bridge on the natives, along with electricity, and now that other Canadians are frequenting the island the gene pool is changing. Drunkenness has resulted in cross-breeding of islanders with people and that has resulted in some interesting mutations not found anywhere else. A university has been built with the intent of studying the situation. Most islanders now speak a form of english which is really a mix of potato and gaelic. Be careful if you intend to explore this tropical island. They let you on free but charge you a small fortune to leave. They have a soda pop called Semen's (make of that what you will). If you've ever watched 'Lost' you'll have a vague idea of what it's like here. A growing population is because visitors are often unable to leave.

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Q: Does Canada own any warm islands?
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