No, but for two players you need two.
For one player you need one motion controller.
move the hande from the wrist either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
Well a blastoise knows rain dance and you don't need a Pokemon that NEEDS to straight away know the move you can really find the TM rain dance and i don't really know why you need the move rain dance because it isn't really a good move that a Pokemon should know but if you want to then i may as well help you with anything.
u just need the cantroler to the mic the drums and gutar u just need to push the buttens on gutar and hit some thing on the drum
a game that you can us for playstation move is socom 4 when it comes out you do need the track controller. Another game that you can us is Grand Theft Auto 4 again you do need the track controller. Neither game is a shooting game only games for the PlayStation 3 Move Resistance 3 is a PS3 Move shooting Game, Killzone 3 is also a PS3 Move shooting game, and Uncharted 3 is a move game that includes shooting,
No the PS2 controller does not work on the PS3 you need an adapter which is like $15
You need 2 move controllers for two people to play
You can use the move and a dual shock 3 for the navigational controller
No. You plug it in and charge it.
No, just the controllers! :)
Yes or you can get a charger pack and station.
you need aerobic endurance for cardio to be able to dance and have a more structured dance move
move the hande from the wrist either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
No, you only need one.
No Some may only be move compatible, but they still need a controller even if it is not a move controller. Kinect does not use a controller for the Xbox 360 system. Some of the games require 2 move controllers and 2 navigational controllers to play 2 person split screen.
basically,just dance how you want to. be yourself,and just go with flow
You have a single camera and can have up to as many players with controllers as the game title allows