I do not, but that is not important to other people. You have your own feelings.
Medea was made to fall in love with Jason by Aphrodite
Well the story goes is that Medea betrayed her father for Jason, but Jason didn't like Medea so ran away from her, but yeah he WAS married to her.
in greek mythology, Medea was a sorceress who left her kingdom with a hero named Jason and her little brother. she had managed to help Jason in a situation and they left the kingdom, Jason promisded to marry Medea. However, medea's father was going after them and they had no time so medea killed her little brother and chopped him to pieces to get them sometime and threw the remians into the ocean. Jason was shocked by this event and he left her.
Her name was Medea, even though she went mad.
It could be said that Jason should be charged rather than Medea. Medea was simply demanding compensation for adultery.
After all Medea had done for Jason, she obviously felt betrayed and angry.
After Medea killed the princess that was married to Jason, she was married with Jason. One day, Medea and Jason were at the beach and a ship timber fell on Medea's head. Then Medea died.
Medea and Jason initially treated each other with love and devotion, as Medea helped Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece. However, after Jason's betrayal, Medea's actions towards him included revenge and betrayal. Jason's treatment of Medea was characterized by deceit and abandonment.
Medea was made to fall in love with Jason by Aphrodite
Well the story goes is that Medea betrayed her father for Jason, but Jason didn't like Medea so ran away from her, but yeah he WAS married to her.
Medea was famous because her love for Jason caused her to commit treacherous deeds. For Jason, Medea betrayed her own people, then turned on Jason himself when he declared that he was leaving Medea to marry the princess.
The name Medea came from the mythology princess Medea and her husband Jason
Medea .
She kills his new bride, Glauce, and then her (Medea's) own and Jason's children, Mermerus and Pheres.