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Q: Do undertakers ever observe paranormal activity?
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Is the movie Paranormal Entity a hoax?

It's a fictional movie. It's not a hoax; it's just the latest in a string of horror movies filmed in a realistic-looking style with home movie cameras, like The Blair Witch Project, Mulberry Street, Paranormal Activity. In fact, Paranormal Entityis a direct rip-off of Paranormal Activity.I don't think the moviemakers ever expected anyone to believe it was anything but fiction. So it's not a hoax. The reason the movie claims to be "actual footage" is not that they actually expect you to believe it's real footage. They just know that in the age of reality TV, realistic-looking horror movies can scare people a lot more than the traditional choreographed, big-budget productions.

Who was Micah in Paranormal Activity 2?

Micah is in paranormal activity 2 because they videotaped that day before anything at Micah's house ever happened. They said that the date that video was taken, was before the day that Micah died. I believe it was around a month before his death, but I'm not certain.

Did they ever find hunter rey from Paranormal Activity 2?

The movie isnt a true story, because if you sear katie and hunter in images, katie and hunter whereabouts "unknown" is a lie. she has won many awards and has acted in other films such as: Mutation, and Psychic Experiment. so being hidden is a lie and makes viewers want to know more, its called a cliffhanger. Also she acts in paranormal activity 3 aswell. so she is not hidden so for ruining the mystery sort of thing

What is the scariest movie ever made?

Answer (opinionated)1. The Devil Inside2. Human Centipede (kinda gross)3. The Exorcist4. The Ring5. Bloody Mary6. Paranormal Actvity 1-3AnswerIt is a matter of personal opinion and personal preference.

Is paramormal activity real?

No its not real.. it was one of the cheapest movies ever made but yet was such a phenomemon.. x

Related questions

What is the most horrific movie ever made?

The most horrific movie ever made is "Paranormal Activity 2".

What is the scariest horror movie ever made?

Insidious, or the ;Paranormal Activity Movie Series 1,2,&3.

Are the characters in the movie 'Paranormal Activity' the actual people from the story?

The story is fiction. There were no "actual people". I am not aware that the producers of the movie ever claimed that it was real.

Will Paranormal Activity Ever come out on DVD or be available on iTunes?

Yes it has already come out on DVD & blu-ray in America (29th December) should be out in UK soon

Who is gona end undertakers streak?

No one is ever going to end the streak.

What is cheapest movie ever made?

Check paranormal activity. its budget was 15,000 in us dollars. It made alomost 200 million dollars out of that movie.Go to Box Office mojo

What is the best scary movie ever?

Here they are: 1. Paranormal Activity 2. The Others 3. Mirrors 4. The Shortcut 5. Saw 6. Saw2 7. Saw3 8. Trick or Treat whoever put this is dumb. paranormal activity sucked saws aren't scary just bloody trick or treats dumb the other mirrors and short cut are the only good one.

What books are Canadian author Lynsay Sands best known for?

Lynsay Sands is an author who is best known for her humorous paranormal activity books. The titles of some of these include 'Immortal ever after' and 'The Lady is a vamp'.

What is the cheapest DVD ever released?

The cheapest DVD available was "Gridlock" for $3.99 when it was released! Even tough it had a start menu, it would still be the cheapest DVD ever released, from 1996.

Why are people afraid of the paranormal?

People are often times afraid of things they don't understand - and few people have a firm grasping on the paranormal, leading to fear on the subject. One way to remove the fear is to educate and help those who are feeling victimized or frightened by paranormal activity. Professional paranormal research groups, like The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) exist solely to help educate folks on the paranormal, in the hopes that no one will ever have to be afraid of it again.Other people may be afraid for specific reasons, such as phobias, religious affinities, or frightening personal experiences in the paranormal. While we ourselves should try to not be afraid of the paranormal, we must also be sympathetic and understanding to those who are - they may have a legitimate reason for their fears.

There appears to be growing evidence of paranormal phenomena and that it does in fact exist so how can this fit in with biology and evolution?

It would be interesting to see this "proof" (correct term: evidence). No scientific investigation - and there have been plenty - has ever turned up any such evidence of paranormal phenomena. If and when it found something which was claimed as such, there was a perfectly rational and overly natural explanation. Since there is no such evidence, there is no way paranormal activity fits into the framework of any branch of biology, including evolution.

How can you observe copyright?

because if you do not observe it then you will be in alot of trouble, and no one will EVER like you so do it.