Yes, cougars and bears are occasionally seen in the Sonoran Desert.
Yes, although rare, jaguars do occur in the Sonoran Desert.
If there are mules in the Sonoran Desert they are on ranches or farms and not roaming wild.
Yes, Gila monsters are found i parts of the Chihuhuan Desert, the Sonoran Desert and the Mojave Desert.
The desert tortoise is found primarily in the Sonoran Desert and Mojave Desert.
[Original Answer:] it is very big in fact much bigger than england, 2,008 km² in fact. [Updated Answer:] The Sonoran Desert is the third largest of North America's four main deserts. It spans over 120,000 square miles (312,000 square km) and covers parts of California, Arizona, and extends into Mexico.
Yes, javelina live in the Sonoran Desert. They also live in the Chihuahuan Desert
There are a number os species of 'desert lizards' in the Sonoran Desert.
There are a number of carnivores in the Sonoran Desert: Coyote Cougar Jaguar Bobcat Fox Black Bear Hawks Eagles Snakes Owls many others
Yes, although rare, jaguars do occur in the Sonoran Desert.
If there are mules in the Sonoran Desert they are on ranches or farms and not roaming wild.
yes it does
The desert cottontail can be found in woodlands, grasslands, creosote brush and desert areas of the Sonoran Desert.
The Sonoran Desert Kingsnake is found in both the Sonoran Desert and the Chihuahuan Desert.
Yes, it is a native of the Sonoran Desert.
Yes. Cougars do live in the desert.
Yes, millions of people live in the Sonoran Desert in cities and towns. A few examples: Phoenix. Arizona Tucson, Arizona Hermosillo, Mexico
An endangered species that live in the desert is the Desert Tortoise. It lives in the Mojave Desert and the Sonoran Desert.