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Collective nouns do not have an antecedent. A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way.

A collective noun can be singular or plural; for example:

  • A herd of elephants frequents this water hole.
  • Many herds of animals frequent this water hole.

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.

An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun replaces.

An antecedent can be singular or plural. The noun that takes its place must agree in number (singular or plural) with the antecedent; for example:

  • An antelope stood by the water. It raised its head to listen.
  • Some antelopes stood by the water. Theyraised their heads to listen.
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Collective nouns are words that refer to a group of specific items, animals or people. The collective noun is plural when there are two or more of the groups; for example:

Our team of players is wearing the blue jerseys.

Both teams of players are now on the field.

Max took his small herd of goats and his father's herd of camels to the market square.

A wealthy young man bought both herds of animalsfor his new father-in-law.

When I visited my sister in the hospital, I took her a nice bouquet of tulips, only to find her in a bed surrounded by a dozen bouquets of flowers.

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10y ago

A plural pronoun takes the place of a plural collective noun.

A singular pronoun takes the place of a singular collective noun.


Fleets of ships are stationed at various ports on the east coast. (plural)

A fleet of ships is stationed at an eastern port. (singular)

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10y ago

When the collective noun is singular, it will be a singular noun:

  • a crowd of people
  • a flock of birds
  • a bouquet of flowers
When the collective noun is plural, it will be a plural noun:
  • crowds of people
  • flocks of birds
  • bouquets of flowers
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11y ago

A collective noun phrase is used for any function of a noun, as the subject of a sentence or a clause, or as the object of a verb or a preposition. Examples:

A crowd of onlookers blocked access to the accident scene. (subject of the sentence)

We brought mom a bouquet of flowers. (direct object of the verb 'brought')

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10y ago

A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. A collective noun is singular when there is one group. A collective noun is plural when there are two or more groups. Examples:

A flock of geese flew over our heads.

The flocks of geese often pass this way.

I brought a bouquet of roses for mom's birthday.

When I arrived, she already had several bouquets of flowers.

A crowd of people stood waiting for the gates to open.

Crowds of people ebbed and flowed all day.

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What is the verb if the subject is a collective nouns?

Collective noun can be singular or plural and will take the corresponding verb form. Examples:A bouquet of flowers was deliveredon Mother's Day.A few bouquets of flowers weredelivered on Mother's Day.The team of players is on the field.Both teams of players are on the field.

What is a collective noun for dolphin?

The pronouns that take the place of the plural noun 'dolphins' are they as a subject and them as the object in a sentence.Examples: We saw dolphins in the bay. They were jumping and playing. I took some pictures of them.

What did u understand by collective naturalization?

users of British English generally accept that collective nouns take either singular or plural verb forms depending on context and the metonymic shift that it implies. Morphological derivation accounts for many collective words and various languages have common affixes for denoting collective nouns. Because derivation is a slower and less productive word formation process than the more overtly syntactical morphological methods

When a collective noun is the subject of the sentence use a verb if that noun refers to the group it represents as a unit?

No, a collective noun is a noun followed by a prepositional phrase: noun+of+noun. A collective noun with prepositional phrase forms a noun phrase: any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun (without a verb) that can function in a sentence as a subject, object of a verb or a preposition.collective noun phrase as subject: A flock of birds flew overhead.collective noun phrase as object: My brother brought a bouquet of flowers for mother.

Which is grammatically correct Jim and Joe 'present' or Jim and Joe 'presents' the sound of music?

It dependsThe phrase "Jim and Joe" is most likely a plural noun subject in this case. (But note in my previous sentence I used the word "is," a singular verb, which indicates that, as a phrase, the combination can be a singular noun in particular situations.) If Jim is one person and Joe is another and you can subsitute the pronoun "they" for "Jim and Joe," then it is a compound subject and must be treated as plural in the sentence, which means you should use a plural verb: "Jim and Joe present..."However, when two nouns connected by "and" form a unit, they must take a singular verb. For example:Ham and eggs is my favorite breakfast.Pork and beans has little nutritional value.Brooks and Dunn has always been my favorite country act.

Related questions

Is Places a pronoun?

No, "places" is not a pronoun. It is a noun that refers to locations or regions. Pronouns take the place of nouns in a sentence.

Do collective nouns take singular forms?

Collective nouns can be singular or plural. For example:A crew of workers were sent to clean up the storm damage.Several crews of workers were needed to clean up the storm damage.

What is the definition for plural pronouns?

Singular pronouns are words that take the place of singular nouns; for example:I, meyouhe, himshe, heritthis, thatmyselfyourselfhimselfherselfitself

What is the Inappropriate pronoun A diplomat because they?

The pronoun 'they' is inappropriate to take the place of the noun 'diplomat' because the word 'diplomat' is singular and the pronoun 'they' takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns.

Is boys a pronoun?

"Boys" is not a pronoun. It is a common noun that refers to a group of male individuals. Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in sentences, such as he, she, it, they, etc.

Is they a proper noun or a common noun?

They is not a proper noun or a common noun. The word 'they' is a pronoun, a word that takes the place of a plural or multiple nouns; the third person, subjective form. The pronoun 'they' can take the place of common or proper nouns; for example:The dogs have had their walk, now they want food.Fran and Frank are coming to lunch; they will be here at one.

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence The faculty provide a challenging learning environment for all students or The faculty provides?

That depends on where you happen to be from: In the US, collective nouns typically take the singular. Everywhere else where English is spoken, collective nouns take the plural. Ask yourself if "the faculty" is an it or a they then choose the verb's conjugation accordingly.

What pronoun takes a plural verb?

The pronoun "they" takes a plural verb. For example, "They are going to the store."

Do you use the pronoun it referring to plural subjects such as stories?

A pronoun can be used to take the place of a plural subject noun; for example:The stories that my mother told were intended as lessons but they were also very imaginative.John and Mary are coming with us. They will be here any minute.The students will have to bring a lunch with them.

What does it mean to make sure that a pronoun agrees with its number and gender?

This means that when the noun to be replaced is singular, be sure to use a singular pronoun to take its place. When a pronoun takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns, be sure to use a plural pronoun to take its (their) place. When the noun to be replaced is a singular noun for a male, be sure to use a pronoun for a male (he, him, his, himself). When the noun to be replaced is a singular noun for a female, be sure to use a pronoun for a female (she, her, hers, herself).

What is a collective pronoun?

Oh, dude, a collective pronoun is like when you refer to a group of people or things as one unit. It's like saying "they" instead of listing out all the individuals in the group. So, instead of saying "Bob, Sarah, and Tim went to the store," you can just say "they went to the store." Easy peasy, right?

What is the right pronoun antecedent in this sentence Everyone needs to take their project home by Friday.?

The antecedent of the possessive adjective 'their' is the subject pronoun everyone.There is no antecedent for the indefinite pronoun 'everyone', a word that takes the place of a noun (nouns) for all of the people spoken to.