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Yes they do. Because DBZ is a good produced anime..

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13y ago

Adults can watch that show with their children, but a new grown adult ( hopefully a single one) may possibly love it i am guessing.

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Q: Do adults still watch Dragon Ball Z?
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Where to watch free Dragon Ball Z?

Is Dragon Ball AF for adults?

any age i recommend it

Where can you watch Dragon Ball Z in spanish?

you could watch in dominican repubilc

How many Super Saiyan level are there?

3 from dragon ball z but if you count dragon ball af and dragon ball gt which are fan made but still ofishel 12 there are probly more just not have hapend yet dragon ball gt was canceld and dragon ball af is still bieing made

What was the first Dragon Ball episode?

Best by can give you that for 29.99 Commented by the DBZ Fame and Claim

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Is dragon ball z is better than naruto?

Dragon Ball was made a while back. And Naruto is still being made so i suggest to watch DragonBall. And Dragon Ball Z is better

Where to get free Dragon Ball Z movies?

watch dragon ball

Does dragon ballz still come on?

no it doesn't come on anymore but since it is there 20th anniversary there make dragon ball Kai episodes and those are new episodes AND you can go to Google type in "Watch free episodes of dragon ball z" and you can watch free awesome episodes of dragon ball z

Is there a dragon ball gt online?

If you mean where to go to watch Dragon Ball GT, then visit DBZ.TV. They have everything there is to Dragon Ball. I think.

Where to watch free Dragon Ball Z?

Where can you watch Dragon Ball episodes subbed?

you can watch it at ''

When can you watch Dragon Ball af?

never dragon ball af is fan made but maybe you can watch the fan made af's on youtube

Is Dragon Ball AF for adults?

any age i recommend it

What site can you watch Dragon Ball?

How do you fly like on Dragon Ball Z?

Watch Dragon ball z episodes 204-207.

What is a good site to watch Dragon Ball Z on?

dragon ball z Kai is on animenet zone

Where can you watch Dragon Ball Z?

On NicktoonsNetwork channel.