The shortest driving distance is 254 miles.
New Zealand is 8,532 miles (13,731 kilometers) from North Carolina.
The theoretical air distance (great circle distance) between Auckland, New Zealand and Paris, France is 18,546 kilometres or 11,524 miles. The theoretical air distance (great circle distance) between Auckland, New Zealand and Paris, France is 18,546 kilometres or 11,524 miles.
The distance from Wanganui, New Zealand, to Palmerston North, New Zealand, is 42 miles. That equals 67 kilometers or 36 nautical miles.
That would be Chile in South America which is about 9,700 km from New Zealand. This is excluding the Philippines which no longer has Spanish as an official language but is only about 7,700 km from New Zealand.
No. Philippines and New Zealand are separate countries.
No, the Philippines are in the Northern hemisphere and New Zealand is in the Southern hemisphere AND to the West.
The distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Manila, Philippines is approximately 4,991 miles.
about 130km
85 km
677 Kms
The distance between Australia and New Zealand varies depending on the city of departure and arrival. For example, the distance between Sydney, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand is 1378.2 miles. The distance from Perth, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand is 3283.3 miles.
The area of the Philippines is 300,076 sq km, the area of New Zealand is 268,680 sq km. The Philippines will fit into New Zealand approximately .9 (point nine) times and New Zealand will fit into the Philippines approximately 1.1 (one point one) times
The distance from Rakaia, Canterbury, New Zealand, to Rolleston, Canterbury, New Zealand, is 22 miles. That equals 35 kilometers and about 30 minutes in driving time.
The flight distance from Singapore to New Zealand is: 5,258 miles / 8,462 km