A Zener diode is a type of diode that permits current to flow in the forward direction like a normal diode, but also in the reverse direction if the voltage is larger (not equal to, but larger) than the rated breakdown voltage known as "Zener knee voltage" or "Zener voltage". A tunnel diode or Esaki diode is a type of semiconductor diode which is capable of very fast operation, well into the microwave region GHz, by utilizing quantum mechanical effects. It was named after Leo Esaki, who in 1973 received the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the electron tunneling effect used in these diodes. These diodes have a heavily doped p-n junction only some 10 nm (100 Å) wide. The heavy doping results in a broken bandgap, where conduction band electron states on the n-side are more or less aligned with valence band hole states on the p-side.
Schottky diode
is a special type of diode with low voltage. When current flows through the diode will be detained by the internal resistance, which causes a small voltage at the diode terminals. Normal diode between 0.7-1.7 volts, while the Schottky diode voltage approximately between 0.15-0.45 volts. Schottky diodes using metal-semiconductor junction as a Schottky barrier (of a semiconductor-semiconductor junction as in conventional diodes). Schottky barrier is produced by the contact time is very fast and low voltage. Differences pn and Schottky diodes are of the reverse recovery time, when switching from state to state does not conduct and conduct contrary. Where in the pn diode recovery time can be of the order through hundreds of nano-seconds and less than 100 nano-seconds for fast diode.
Dr. Clarence Melvin Zener of Southern Illinois University invented the zener diode.
It depends on the particular diode. They come in all different values.
When the design says 4.9v zener diode that is all I would put. The more complicated an alternative you try the more things that can go wrong. A silicon diode is not the same as a zener diode, and cannot be used to replace a zener, with reasonable expectation that the circuit will continue to operate as designed.
The function of a zener diode is for it to act as a voltage regulator in the breakdown region.
No. The purpose of the zener diode is to clip (turn on) at a certain voltage. A capacitor will not exhibit this behavior.
The diode that has a negative resistance region in its voltage-current curve.
Zener diode is heavily doped pn junction diode.
zener resistance of a zener diode is the resistance of the zener diode but which is the resistance of a diode
zener diode :zener diode operates under reverse bias voltageideal diode :ideal diode operates under forward bias voltage
The difference between the pn-junction diode and the zener diode is that the pn-junction diode is used for rectification while the zener diode is used for rectification and stabilization. Also, the zener diode can function in the breakdown region while the pn-juntion diode can not function in that regime.
The dynamic resistance of a diode, be it zener or otherwise, will be different from its static resistance because a diode is not a resistor, and resistance is not a function of current flow. It is a diode, and a diode has its own characteristic voltage to current curve, forward and, in the case of a zener, reverse.
There are thousands of different zener diode types...use the internet to locate a data sheet for a particular type.
The zener diode is optimized for reverse breakdown voltage accuracy and stability. This value and its tolerance is specified in more detail than a normal diode.
A zener diode passes drect current, and the point of a zener diode is that the voltage across it stays nearly constant over a range of different currents, so it can provide a supply of stabilised voltage.
A zener diode cannot be used as switch.
SILICON same as any other diode but with different characteristics
Dr. Clarence Melvin Zener of Southern Illinois University invented the zener diode.