The only character who really died in the film is a small robot with a tractor beam attached to him. He is basically a henchmen to Manuel. the main antagonist of the film.
The character does not have a name or voice but in one scene he is thrown through a window and smashes to pieces on the pavement below. One can also make the argument that several security robots are destroyed during EVA and WALL-E's escape as well.
Manuel, the main antagonist, is not killed but merely turned off.
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Hello Dolly
Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator
Wall-E and Eve live happily ever after and the human population is reintroduced back onto Earth.
Walle Nauta died in 1994.
Margot Walle died in 1990.
Geert Van de Walle died in 1988.
Adelbert Van de Walle died on 2006-06-28.
Walle Saikko died on June 22, 2002, in South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA.
Walter van de Walle died on 2011-04-21.
Armando Walle was born in 1978.
Margot Walle was born in 1921.
Walle Nauta was born in 1916.
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Walle Saikko was born on January 12, 1912.
Tanner Walle was born on 1983-11-04.