Mz berry and ray j probably are not together after what i saw
She's clear!
I have no clue because the reunion ended so wrong. And after the show he havent seen her in 5 months.
who can i downlode music from my p.c. to my mz-nf520d.
Halle Berry
mz berry all day
Mz berry and ray j probably are not together after what i saw
Mz. Berry
MZ Berry
mz berry and platnium
mz. berry
She's clear!
mz berry won for the love of ray j
He didnt pick any1 yet! ummm he pick mz. berry and eliminated
he chose mz berry but they might break up im watchin the reunion right now mz.berry
Her father is Robert Ellis Silberstein (mother is Diana Ross). Tracey's sister, Rhonda is the daughter of Berry Gordy and Mz. Ross.
Mz. Bratt was born in 1988.