Little is known about Blackbeard's early life, so he may have had siblings, but it is unknown for sure.
If they are biological brothers/sisters then they either have the same mother OR fatheror have both the same mother AND father.If they are brother and sister by law then they're brother-in-law or sister-in-law brother-in-law if that person is male and is the brother of the person your biological brother or sister marriedsister-in-law if that person is female and is the sister of the person your biological brother or sister marriedIf the biological brother has a romantic relationship with the biological sister then their relationship will be called incest.
In the Disney show, Good Luck Charlie the characters PJ and Teddy are brother and sister. The actors are not brother and sister in real life.
you make no sense
Cousin Sister or Cousin Brother.Due to the fact that most Indian families are hard, it is hard to keep track of who's related to who, and so co-sister and co-brother are generally, wide used terms to a boy or sister relation.------------------------------------------------------Answer:No, the above answer is wrong, it doesn't mean cousin sister or cousin brother,Co-sister means husband's brother's wife or wife's brother's wifeCo-brother means husband's sister's husband or wife's sister's husband.
Your sister-in-law is either the wife of your brother or the sister of your spouse. Your brother-in-law is either the husband of your sister or the brother of your spouse. So your brother-in-law's wife is either your sister or is not related to you. Some people incorrectly refer to a brother-in-law's wife as a sister-in-law.
he did have brother and sister he had two sister and he had 1 brother
Niece is to nephew as sister is to brother.
She has 1 sister, a step-sister, a step-brother, a half-sister and a half-brother
he has one brother one sister
You don't call your brother's sister your aunt. Your brother's sister is your sister, or you. Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father.
You are not related to your sister's husband's brother. However, her husband is your brother-in-law and his brother is your sister's brother-in-law.
Yes he sure does!!! a sister and a brother (i know the sister!!)
Your brother's sister is your daughter's aunt, and your daughter is your brother's, and his sister's, niece.
If your sister-in-law is your spouse's sister, her brother is your spouse's brother and therefore is your brother-in-law, or perhaps your husband. If your sister-in-law is the wife of your brother, her brother is your brother's brother-in-law but is not related to you. The English language has no relationship term for the brother of your sibling's spouse.
sisterNo it would be Niece is to Nephew as Sister is to Brother. Niece and sister are both female, nephew and brother are both male.
Your sister-in-law is either the wife of your brother or the sister of your spouse. If you have more than one brother, and your sister-in-law is the wife of one brother, then she is the sister-in-law of the other. If your sister-in-law is the sister of your spouse, she has no direct relationship to your brother. He can call her "my brother's sister-in-law", or "my nephew's aunt."