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Q: Did Roosevelt island tramway stopped during 1977 blackout?
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What is the device will not protect a computer during a blackout?

Anything that is not a UPS will not protect a computer during a blackout

What is most likely to happen during a thunder storm?

a blackout

Why did you need the blackout in World War 2?

You needed a ''Blackout'' because, if everyone had their lights on during a bombing raid then it would be easy for the bombers to spot you!

How do you make a sentence with the word chaotic?

during the electric blackout, traffic was chaotic.

How did people keep there houses safe during the blackout?

they ate there children. for real.

Who was famous during the blackout?

thomas Edison was famous Neville Chamberlin was famous during the Blackout in 1939-1944. He was famous as he was the British president announced the decleration of world war two. Neville Chamberlin was famous during the Blackout in 1939-1944. He was famous as he was the British president and announced the decleration of world war two. Neville Chamberlin was famous during the Blackout in 1939-1944. He was famous as he was the British president and announced the decleration of world war two.

What is the difference between black out and brown out?

Your electricity goes off during a blackout. Your lights flicker during a brownout

What happened to people who didnt comply to the blackout during the wars?

They most possibly died

When did Roosevelt decide Hitler had to be stopped?

It is not clear from the historical record as to precisely when President Roosevelt personally decided that Hitler was such a menace to civilization that he needed to be stopped by force of some kind. During 1940, however, this decision was revealed in his commitment to assisting Great Britain in its fight against Hitler. Even more clearly, from December 7th of 1941 onward, Roosevelt made the fight against Hitler America's first priority, despite the hostilities that had at that time broken out against Imperial Japan.

Are blackout blinds suitable for bedrooms?

"Blackout blinds are good if you work a late shift at work and you need to sleep during the day. You can pick them up online, they also save on your cooling bill."

With whom Chandler got stucked in the bank lobby during a blackout?

I think it was Rachael Hunter.

Why would you blackout during a kiss?

You probably forgot to breathe, or got carried away with emotion.