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•Which was India's first branded detergent bar?

501 was made by Tata Oil Mills, later acquired by Hindustan Lever. The soap itself was the brainchild of P T John who came to be known as Soap John, a name famous even today in Kerala. John who had specialised in soap making won the confidence of Jal Nowroji, Chief Executive of the Tatas, during a short voyage when he shared a cabin with the industrialist and persuaded Nowroji to accept the proposition of making the soap. The TOMCO factory at Ernakulam then started creating the 501 soap bar

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Q: Detergent brands in India
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What are some brands of HE Detergent?

There are many different brands of HE detergent. Some of the most highly efficient brands include; "Tide", "OxyActive", "WinTree" and "Ultra Sunlight".

Which brands can I buy with these detergent coupons?

There are many detergent coupons that are available. Tide has many of them that a person can get their hands on easily.

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Some laundry detergent brands that offer cruelty-free options include Seventh Generation, Method, and Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day.

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Some brands of laundry detergent that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals include Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day, and Ecover.

What percent of people use Gain laundry detergent?

Approximately 17% of households in the United States use Gain laundry detergent. This makes it one of the most popular laundry detergent brands on the market.

What are some brands of laundry detergent out there?

Some popular brands of laundry detergent include Tide, Gain, Persil, Arm & Hammer, and Seventh Generation. Each brand offers a variety of formulations designed for different washing needs and preferences.

Does a laundry detergent coupon apply to all types of detergents.?

It depends on what the coupon says. If it just says laundry detergent, it is good for all brands of detergent. If it says a specific brand, such as Gain, it is only good for that kind.

Which brands are offering dishwasher detergent coupons?

You can save money on any brand of dishwasher detergent tablets with a coupon. You just need to purchase the brand listed on the coupon itself.

What are the upcoming brands in India? is a upcoming brand name of India

What is market of detergent in bihar state in India?

60 thousand tons

What detergents contain nitrates?

The majority of the big name detergent brands contain nitrates, although they may just be small amounts. Some of those brands include Tide, Cheer, All, and Gain. The best way to avoid nitrates is to use an all-natural detergent.

What brands offer all detergent?

All is a brand of laundry detergent. It comes in different scents and sizes. All is sold in grocery stores, Walmart, Target, as well as online at Amazon.