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Ummm idont know*

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Q: Despite geographic barriers ancient India was it not totally isolated?
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What type of natural barriers isolated ancient you Egypt?

desert, sea, not on European continent. mostly desert

What kept china isolated during ancient times?

Natural physical barriers led to China's isolation.

Was ancient Chinese isolated from other ancient civilization?

yes the Chinese were isolated from other civilizations.

What in general are the geographic barriers around India What were the repercussions of these barriers on Indian culture?

India is entirely contained on the Indian Plate, a major tectonic plate that was formed when it split off from the ancient continent Gondwanaland. About 90 million years ago, the Indian Plate began moving north at about 15 cm/year. ! haaann

Which was the most isolated ancient civilization in India?

The most isolated ancient civilization in India is the Sentineslese. They number around 250 and have lived on their island for about 60,000 years.

Why was China isolated from the rest of the ancient world?

because it had walls

Why were the Greeks city states isolated?

Ancient Greek city states were isolated because much of Greece is islands or mountains.

What created barriers to river travel on the nile in ancient times?

Yoo momma...

Why natural barriers caused the ancient Chinese to have a strong sense of their importance in the world?

Their natural barriers surrounded them so they considered themselves to be in the middle of the world.

Which geographic feature in ancient Egypt was used for development?

The Nile Floods

What geographic feature had greatest influence on ancient Egypt?

Nile River

Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on ancient Egypt?

The Nile River